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Colin Frizzell is a critically acclaimed author; a playwright and screenwriter. He was also a writer-in-residence with Now Hear This’s Students, Writers and Teachers program, in Toronto, for six semesters. Colin’s books (Chill, Just J) have received critical acclaim across North America (American Library Association, Globe and Mail, Canadian Children’s Book Centre, Ontario Library Association, Today’s Parent, etc.), been translated into Norwegian and Swedish, and adopted into the curriculum of several Ontario high schools. The Festival Players of Prince Edward County produced his audio play, An Ongoing Process; and his screenplay, Lavender (working title) has been optioned by, 3 Legged Dog Films Ltd,(This Beautiful City, Small Town Murder Songs).

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  1. Hello,
    I teach reading at Neenah High School in Neenah, Wisconsin, US. One of my students just finished Chill and he loved it! He is wondering if any of this story is based on fact. Hope to hear from you soon!
    Thank you,
    Teri Landry

    1. Dear Teri,

      Thank you for taking the time to write! I’m sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you, I haven’t been checking in at my site as often as I should and I just received your comment now. My sincerest apologies. In regards to your question, while some of the book was inspired by actual events, experiences and people, the story itself isn’t factual.

      Thank you again and I really am sorry for the late delay, I will do better in the future.

      All my best,


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